It’s been two weeks since we played the last show of our tour to a full room in London. It’s also taken some processing to fully grasp the immensity of what has become our biggest and best tour we’ve ever done.
We didn’t really know what we’d be walking into after such a long time. Needless to say the response has been huge and heartfelt and we are extremely grateful and humbled by all of you. To everyone who came to see us, from literally all over the world, thank you! Even when we walked into a venue that looked like the final kill scene in a Tarantino movie and stunk like a toilet without a seat, you turned up in droves and made each night memorable. Thanks for all the chats, stories, tears, laughs and hugs. Those are some life affirming moments.
The first thanks have to go to our tour partners in Solkyri. You guys rule. Thanks for mucking in and getting the work done. From day one you played hard, kept the vibe up and put up with our utter garbage on a daily basis. The meme MVPs! Successfully corrupted, foot on the fold back, post-rock n roll 2560 > 2750.
Second goes to our crew who are now our new family. Chris, a wee man with a big heart, the workhorse tour manager, you made us laugh a whole bunch and were a comforting hug at the end of a long day. Zoe, smiling sunshine at the merch table and keeping us in check each night. We’ve never had our products displayed in such a beautiful format before (nor had our fans) and the sales show it. Front of house legend, Matt Cook, for his professionalism, whipping us into line when we needed it and taking a few for the team. No Faceapp smiles needed. And Big Mick behind the wheel, old twinkle toes, not one spilled cup of Yorkshire plus some late night therapy sessions for anyone who wandered into the cockpit.
Thanks to all the venues, staff and promoters for putting us up and looking after us. It’s a different world out there and things can fall over at any time. We appreciate you and the efforts you make to keep bands touring.
And lastly but mostly - our partners and families back home. We couldn’t have done it without your support, looking after the kids and holding it down. There were a lot of surprised faces from fans when we said we don’t do this full time. Props to everyone in and around WLTS for making this happen. Hard work paying off from all directions.
Now it’s time for rest and reflection and we’ll get back to you with more news soon. We can’t thank you all enough for making our tour the best yet and we can’t wait to do it all over again.
Much love,